
The challenge bloodlines episode 3
The challenge bloodlines episode 3

the challenge bloodlines episode 3

I just watched this for the thousandth time and I still get Rocky-beating-Apollo goosebumps when I heard those words. And then all the oceans rose a full foot because everybody on the planet all inhaled a huge gasp at the same time. But at the very, very end, someone’s voice screams out “IS THAT CT?” and it cuts to CT’s very, very intense face. It was for Cutthroat and it had all of the standard action and fighting shots. Then in 2010, two full seasons later, the Challenge producers cut what is still the best promo I have ever seen. This looked like it was going to be it for Mr. And it wasn’t the first time he had been kicked off a show. One door looked like wet tissue paper after he was done with it. If you watch closely for the rest of the season, you can see remnants of the damage CT did all over that house. On his way out, he was hitting doors and walls. He punched Adam and then fought off six of the biggest guys who were trying to break up the fight. In an early episode of Ruins II, CT allegedly, possibly hooked up on the roof of the house. Back in 2008, it was doubtful we were ever going to get another CT appearance on the Challenge.

The challenge bloodlines episode 3